Sunday, May 02, 2004

Sunday morning.... I got up at 8.30 just before a thunderstorm,wow what a scenery, the sky was all black and then lightning cracked the sky... 2 mugs off coffee before it was over :-) I noticed the guttering between our house and garage needs fixing :-(
I've been blogsurfing over another 2 mugs of coffee and found a couple of interesting Blogs, the first one belongs to a Dutch girl, living in Denmark Ingrid's Blog I'm really amazed over her photography!
The second Blog belongs to Ekaterina a girl from the former Soviet union rep. Georgia, now living in Denmark, it has always been of interest to me, hearing about life behind the Iron curtain, during my years of Balkan trucking, I saw so many things that fuelled my curiousity! the only catch about this blog, it's in Danish!

(Foto: Anders Brandt, Broager)
Anyway, I'll just lean back, enjoy some more coffee and get mentally ready for a new week, I'll be off to Sweden tomorrow, the thunderstorm seems to return, so I better turn off the computer and look out the window instead :-)
Drive carefully all of you ! See ya, Slipse


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