Monday, March 15, 2004

What a day!!!
Started out at 6.30 this morning, came half an hour earlier than sceduled to the company where I should unload 32 ton of Finnish steelpipes... but 3 trucks where already there before me, and because I had 3 different kinds of pipes I had to unload in 3 diffent halls within this company. This bundles of steel are being lifted out through the roof of the trailer with a crane, in the first hall I had to wait for about 45 minutes before it was my turn to unload, so it took about 2 hours, in the second hall I had to wait about 1 hour, before it was my turn, and when it was my turn the crane operator went to lunch... another half hour, I was ready for the 3rd hall after 2hours and 15 minutes!
When I came to the third hall, I had to unload through the side of the trailer, this is done with a forklift truck, only 4 bundles left, but the forklift driver went of to lunch.... 50 minutes later I was empty! Well there is 5 bundles left in the trailer for another company in Silkeborg, but they refused to recieve their goods, because the close their incomming goods dept at 12 noon !!!! aaaaarrgh!!!
The rest of my day was fairly ok, moving some trailers arond AArhus and I finished my working day by bringing a tankcontainer to a company only 7kms from my home.
I'm glad I made home today, my back and my hips are killing me, I suffer from a desease called Ankylosing Spondolytis (Morbus Bechterew it's called in Europe) There aren't much I can do about it, except from taking some painkillers... and hope for a better day tomorrow!
So that's what I'll do :-)
Take care, Bon route, Slipse

Sunday, March 14, 2004

Hi again, week no.2 has gone with my new truck, I'm still driving around with a big :-) on my face!
Only one problem has occurred, not with the truck itself, but with an extra piece of equipment, the GPS navigation system computer. After about 2 hours the computer shuts down and will not restart untill the power has been shut off for minimum one hour. Will have a new computer installed during the upcomming week.

Workwise there isn't much to tell I've been tipping and reloading trailers from Finland all week here in Denmark, for EHJCombifragt, except for friday evening, where I had a quick trip to the port of Lübeck, Germany, with a trailer from Chr Jensen Shipping. This trailer had to be shipped to Russia.
Right now I'm just enjoying the weekend, getting ready for the week to come.

Take care out there.. Ciao, Slipse.